May 5th–Emily’s Musings

Home Posts May 5th–Emily’s Musings


May 5th–Emily’s Musings

Happy Friday, Auburn FUMC! Did you have a good Star Wars Day yesterday? (May the 4th be with you!)

As the liturgically-inclined among us probably know, we are currently about halfway through the season of Easter.  And for the next three weeks, we are going to be focusing our attention on the women and men in the early Church who first spread the Good News of Christ’s resurrection.  This worship series, called “Life Lessons from the Early Church”, will teach us about the core beliefs and traditions of our ancestors in the faith.  We’ll learn more about what it means to follow Jesus in a dangerous world, we’ll explore the concept of death and eternal life, and we’ll talk about how the Beatles had it right all along–all you need is love! Join us as we embark on this journey, and as we explore the teachings that have been changing lives for nearly 2000 years.

Sunday, May 7th (Communion Sunday)

“Life Lessons from the Early Church: Death is Old News!”

Sunday, May 14th (Mother’s Day)

“Life Lessons from the Early Church: The Price of Faith”

Sunday, May 21st

“Life Lessons from the Early Church: All You Need is Love”

Also–remember that our youth group has several Heifer International fundraisers coming up in the next month! Mark your calendars for May 27th (Nebraska Brass concert at the Presbyterian Church, 7:30 pm) and June 4th (ice cream social at the UMC, 3:00 pm.)

Have a great week, and we’ll see you on Sunday!